Friday, April 17, 2009

Wow Captain Phillips Was Saved

I know that I am suposed to write a post from our list of choices, but I couldn't find this story (U.S. Captain Held by Pirates Arrives Safe in Kenya). I saw it on Good Morning America this morning and since it updates my last blog I had to write about. I just know that who ever read my post was thinking the same as me. That the captain may never be returned. But it just so happens that he arrived in Kenya yesterday aboard and American ship. Which is probably why it isn't in our sites yet.
This is wonderful news. I am sure most of us thought he wouldn't be released, but thankfully he was. As a recap he offered himself for the release of his 19 crew members. They were already sent home last week. The Somalia pirates are being captured a little at a time. It looks like South Korea and some other countries Sweden and Norway are helping bring these bad guys down. The suposed leader of the pirates is only 19 years old. He will be tried in New York court system which is were the terriorist are usually tried. (Achieng) LINK


  1. Hey that is great news! I personally did not think he would make it home without a fight. It's amazing what a little help from other countries can do. A great big thanks to whoever helped bring these guys down!!!

  2. I am also very shocked that he made it out alive!
    It goes to show that the outcome isn't always a negative one.
