Saturday, April 11, 2009

What Pirates Still Roaming the Seas?

Remember all the books and movies you've seen with the pirates. Well guess what? They are still out there, taking over the sea. This is quite incredible. Who would have thought there were still pirates out there? Apparently there are still pirates in this world and not just the make believe ones as in the stories.
According to an article in the New York Times, Negotiations Break Down in Standoff With Pirates, it says that one of our captians was takin hostage by Somali Pirates in the Indian Ocean. A small boat with heavily armed men rowed out to the American boat and boarded. The crew members were let go due to the captain being taken instead. The Pirates were demanding a ransom of two million dollars. A small U.S. Navy ship tried to approach the pirates, but were fired apon. They did not fire back hoping to keep things from getting out of hand. Captian Phillips (hostage) is only one of about 250 people being kept hostage by pirates. It is hard to believe that these kinds of events are actually happening. Thankfully the crew members have made it back safely and said the captain turned himself over for them. They believe him a true hero. May he return home safely too. LINK


  1. I saw this on the news a couple of nights ago. I'm like you I thought pirates were make believe.
    It's scary to think that this is happening.

  2. Jackie,
    This is scary. I don't know a great deal about the story, but, I'd be very suprised if the captain makes it home without a fight. Those people just don't like the United States.

  3. wow who would have thought! not me. i thought pirates were just a myth. the movies show that they do everything that real pirates do. interesting article Jack
