Friday, January 30, 2009

Will We Save Our Economy In Time?

We all know that our economy is falling rapidly. It seems that jobs are elliminating, and it is greatly effecting our unemployment rate. Not only that, but people are shopping less and less. Not to mention people are trying to make the gasoline in their engines stretch farther and farther. Money is not being spread through out our country nearly as much as it use to be. Not to mention plenty of businesses are being effected by this economy drop. There isn't much money to be made these days. If no one wants to spend, then no one can make money. It's a neverending circle of a problem. Now do we think it is possible for Obama to make the necessary changes we need to bring this economy crisis to dead stop? We need it fixed pronto. Is it possible that we are nearing another great depression? According to Paul Krugman, he wrote in his article This Looks Like the Start of a Second Great Depression, "Milton Friedman, in particular, persuaded many economists that the Federal Reserve could have stopped the Depression in its tracks simply by providing banks with more liquidity, which would have prevented a sharp fall in the money supply." So with this in mind are we in agreement with the bailouts that have going on with the larger companys? I for one am. I completely agree. Whatever it takes. Let us hope that whatever plan Obama has for us goes into affect quickly, and that it cures our economy problems before it is too late.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Is it Essential that the President's Oath be Correct?

Apparently while swearing in our new President, Cheif Justice John Roberts got his words a little mixed up. It can be argued whether or not his mistake could do harm. Certainly we are all human and mistakes happen. Unfortunately, this was not an ordinary day, it was very important to us all. It is my opinion that there was no room for mistakes here. It is only a short amount of words, which should have been practiced until made perfect. This is our history, and we have to follow the Constitution, and be proud while we're doing it. There is no way around that. As it states in the article It Matters to get the Oath Right, "It was important to get the oath right because it is important to communicate the seriousness with which the president and everyone else in Washington takes the Constitution." Not to mention this is probably the most important day for our new President along with our fellow Americans. History has been made and one small person didn't follow what he was supposed to do. It makes no sense to me how this kind of mistake can be made. I am greatful that our new President caught on quickly, therefore the words were corrected. This shows that he knows our Constitution very well! posted by John Nichols on 01/22/2009 @ 2:47pm